Welcome –

to this website about my translation work – translation into modern English primarily from Russian, but also from Latin.  My particular interest is in the Russian writer Alexander Pushkin.  I am eager to generate an awareness and enjoyment of Pushkin among English readers that matches both the brilliance of his writing and his popularity in Russia.

My translations

from Russian (Pushkin)

Eugene Onégin

Eugene Onégin

An edition, in both Russian and accessible English, of Pushkin’s most famous work, his ‘novel-in-verse’ Eugene Onégin, which he wrote between the ages of 24 and 32. It is the major work of his maturity and widely regarded as his masterpiece….

Ruslán and Lyudmíla

Ruslán and Lyudmíla

An edition in both Russian and accessible English, of one of Pushkin’s lightest and most amusing works, largely written by Pushkin in his late teens. Though a fairy-story, he wrote it not for children, but to entertain youngsters of his own age and the literary avant-garde of St Petersburg….

Love Poems

Love Poems

Here are English translations of over a hundred of Pushkin’s love poems, ranging across the spectrum of love’s orientations and expressions from the imaginatively fictional to the starkly real, from playful society bons mots to heartfelt expressions of deepest feeling….

from Latin

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